Latest News From
Singh Pharmacy


Here, we bring you a curated collection of articles,
expert opinions, and informative pieces that illuminate the
path to a healthier and happier life. 

IV Vitamin Therapy For A Festive And Healthy Season

IV Vitamin Therapy For A Festive And Healthy Season

As the festive season approaches, our schedules fill with joyful gatherings, delectable treats, and the spirit of giving. However, amidst the merriment, it's essential to prioritise our health. This holiday season, consider embracing a proactive approach to wellness...

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The Rise Of IV Vitamin Therapy: Is It Right For You?

The Rise Of IV Vitamin Therapy: Is It Right For You?

In recent years, there has been a significant surge in the popularity of intravenous (IV) vitamin therapy. This innovative approach to health and wellness promises a quick and effective way to boost energy levels, improve overall health, and address a variety of...

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Our Happy Customers

Always friendly and helpful and ready with expert advice. Quick service. If he does not have what you need, Mr Singh can usually get it for you quickly. I always get my prescriptions there.

Robert Ford

Our Sustainability Promise

Singh pharmacy is an eco-pharmacy with sustainability and recycling in mind.
We use eco-friendly medicines bags and boxes where possible. 

We are increasing the range of zero waste products in the pharmacy with refillable shampoos and body washes. 

We have a vegan and cruelty free range of products and vitamins available in the pharmacy with expert advice to guide you.